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North Carolina Legislative Day

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NC Legislative Day

NC Legislative ComplexJoin us in Raleigh for our annual North Carolinas Legislative Day!

CAGC has an ambitious legislative agenda that includes work zone safety initiatives, workforce programs, infrastructure funding, regulatory reform, and other issues important to your business.  We need you to help us advocate by attending our annual Legislative Day!

Because we have an ambitious agenda, we’ve decided to take a different approach this year by working independently, rather than partnering with architects and engineers as we have in the past. This will help draw greater attention to the issues that matter most to our members. To make a strong impact, it’s crucial that we have strong attendance—showing lawmakers that we care about the legislative process and the decisions that affect our industry.
Attending the NC Legislative Day gives you an opportunity to meet with lawmakers to educate them on the issues and concerns of your business and our industry.  It’s also a great way to hear from our Agency Partners like NCDOT, NC State Construction, UNC System, NC Community College System, Grow NC Recovery Office and more who support many of the same goals as CAGC.  

Attendees will begin the afternoon with a short legislative briefing from our NC lobbyists from 2-2:30 p.m.. Afterwards, we will visit the North Carolina Legislative Complex where you can meet with legislators and/or attend House and Senate legislative sessions. 
We’ll reconvene at 4:00 p.m. at the AIA/NC building to hear from state agency leaders like Joey Hopkins, NCDOT Secretary and Mark Edwards, Deputy Secretary of NC Department of Administration, and several others.  We will close out the day with a legislative reception for CAGC members and all legislators at Gravy featuring a keynote address from a member of both the House and the Senate.  
Additional information will be provided as we get closer to the date regarding setting up appointments with legislators.

When: Wednesday, April 1, 2025 | 2:00pm - 7:30pm
Where: AIA Building (14 E Peace St., Raleigh, NC) & Gravy (135 S. Wilmington St., Raleigh, NC 27601)

2:00pm: Meet at AIA/NC Building
2:00pm- 2:30pm:- Welcome and Q & A
2:30pm- 4:00pm: Visit Legislative Complex, Attend Legislative Sessions/Meet with Legislators
4:00pm- 5:00pm: Policy Briefing with Key Agency Partners* 
5:00pm- 5:30pm: Travel to Gravy for Legislative Reception with NC Legislature
5:30pm - 7:30pm: Legislative Reception

*NCDOT, NC State Construction, UNC System, NC Community College System, Grow NC Recovery Office and more!

CAGC Members $25 per person
Future CAGC Members $50 per person

Interested in Sponsoring? Contact Jacob Garmon

4/1/2025 2:00 PM - 7:30 PM
AIA Building/ Gravy Raleigh, NC 27601 UNITED STATES

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