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Online Drone Courses Hosted by Clemson University
**Note: This is a CAGC Partner Opportunity hosted by Clemson Drone. After retrieving the discount code here you will register through Clemson Drone.**

Carolinas AGC is proud to partner with Clemson Drone to promote their 5 online courses, and offer a 10% discount on drone education, training and certification.
Five courses available to fit your current skill level, career goals, and budget.
These unique courses are specifically designed for working professionals who wish to start or expand their use of drones for commercial applications.
Clemson Drone | 5 Online Courses | Course Comparison | Course Instructor
UAS Vocation | Course begins first Monday Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct.
UAS Vocation is our flagship course and provides a comprehensive curriculum. It is ideal for students without any drone experience and more seasoned pilots who want to fully embrace the benefits of drone technology. The course includes Part 107 exam preparation, flight skills, 3D maps & models, and UAS thermography training. Students will earn their FAA Remote Pilot Certificate, APSA BPERP Flight Proficiency Certification, and the Level 1 UAS Thermography Certificate. The course comes with hours of pre-recorded video instruction and real-world lab exercises. There are eight weekly zoom calls with Dr. Burgett to answer questions and enhance the curriculum. Dr. Burgett reviews the assignments with individual feedback provided. Software, hard copy booklets, and a flight controller are included. The course is structured over eight-week-long modules; however, you have access to the material for 16 weeks. Tuition is eligible for post-9/11 Chapter 33 VA benefits. This class is offered five times a year.
Earn Three Certifications in One Class!
FAA Part 107 Remote
Pilot Certificate |
APSA Flight Proficiency
Certificate |
Level 1 Thermography
Certificate |
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UAS Mission Administration | Course begins first Monday Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct.
UAS Mission Administration is the second course in our comprehensive UAS Training program and is perfect for current UAS pilots looking to enhance their proficiency or administrators building a multi-crew UAS program. This fully online course spans 8 weeks and includes four engaging modules that integrate advanced knowledge, practical mission planning, and hands-on assessments to prepare you for real-world drone operations. Individual feedback from Dr. Burgett is provided for the assignments. A Part 107 certificate and access to a drone are required to complete the course.
Earn Three Certifications in One Class!

AUVSI Trusted
Operator Level 1 |

AUVSI Trusted
Operator Level 2 |

AUVSI Trusted
Operator Level 3 |
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Part 107 Exam Prep | On Demand
This online and self-directed course prepares you to take and pass the FAA CFR 14 Part 107 knowledge test to earn your remote pilot certificate. Having this certificate is an FAA requirement for all non-recreational UAS operations. The course includes narrated presentations, an electronic copy of the FAA study guide, 3 sample quizzes, multiple sample exams, hundreds of sample questions, and other study tools. Emailed questions are responded to within 24 hours. While the Part 107 remote pilot certificate is critically important for commercial missions, there is significantly more you need to know. You are encouraged to look at this course as an important first step in your UAS training. Immediate enrollment. 10-week duration.Register Now!
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UAS Essentials | Courses begin the first Monday of every month
As the name suggests, this fully online course provides comprehensive instruction on the essential aspects of operating a UAS in the national airspace. The course starts with the same curriculum and content as the Part 107 Exam Prep course. You will then move into flight training with our cutting-edge simulator. You will fly over 50 unique missions to learn stick control and how to operate a UAS. There are 14 drones in our library simulating how different aircrafts navigate real-world environments. The software and USB-connected controller are provided with the course. Finally, you will learn how to collect drone images and turn them into 3D maps, models, and surveys. You will also learn how to determine quantities from the data and share digital 3D as-builts with clients and customers. The course is not robo-graded. Dr. Burgett reviews your assignments and provides customized feedback unique to you. Classes start monthly. Enrollment is for 10-weeks.Register Now!
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UAS Essentials Plus | Course begins first Monday Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct.
This online course has the same curriculum and learning objectives as the UAS Essentials class with several key differences. First, your license to the flight simulator will be extended to 6 months after the course ends so you can continue to hone your piloting skills. You will also be invited to five weekly online zoom calls with Dr. Burgett. During the weekly calls with the class, Dr. Burgett reviews the key concepts covered in the week's learning module, answers questions, and provides real-time help with any challenges you may be experiencing. The course is structured around an accelerated 5-week curriculum; however, students have a full 10-weeks to complete the course material. Another difference is that students will take the APSA flight proficiency exam with the simulator. This added credential shows that you have sufficient flight skills to safely operate a small UAS. The exam fee is included with the course. An additional $75 fee is required by APSA to receive their certification. This class is offered five times a year.
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Applied UAS Thermography | Course begins first Monday of every month
This online self-paced course provides 16 modules preparing UAS operators to collect, tune, and interpret thermograms. The first modules explain the science of infrared radiation and how its measurement can be used to determine thermal patterns. Next, the course teaches you how to tune the images with post-production software to more accurately determine true temperatures. Finally, the course teaches you how to interpret the data and filter out embarrassing false positives. The course includes 11 individual labs to reinforce the concepts taught. The use of your own thermal drone is encouraged but not required. Sample data is provided so everyone can participate in the lab exercises. Dr. Burgett reviews each of your lab exercise submissions and provides customized feedback. Those interested in receiving a Level 1 UAS Thermography Certificate will need to pass an online proctored exam for an additional $300. The duration of the course is 10-weeks with new classes starting every month.
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About the Instructor
Joe “Dr. Drone” Burgett is a tenured professor in the Nieri Department of Construction Development and Planning at Clemson University. He has been in university-level academics since 2010 and teaches both undergraduate and graduate-level courses on drone application in the built environment. By trade, Dr. Burgett is a general contractor and has spent many years teaching online courses for the trade unions. His primary area of research is in applied drone technology, and he has worked extensively with the SCDOT.
"Robo grading" does not give a Clemson-level experience. Dr. Burgett provides students with customized feedback for every course they complete.
Find the course that fits your needs and enjoy a 10% discount upon enrollment with the user of the Carolinas AGC partner discount code.
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