Committee Name
SC Legislative Committee19095253
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Focuses on reviewing & analyzing legislative proposals from Association members, Divisions and other committees, to make recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Eligibility: All members

Meetings: Committee meets at a minimum once a year in person. There are virtual meetings during the legislative session as needed.


Committee Roster

Full NamePositionOrganization
Marty McKeeMemberKing Asphalt, Inc.-Upstate Division2340615208
Evan SowellMemberLangston Construction Co. of Piedmont, LLC235083161
Mark HoodMemberHood Construction Company, Inc.2353888590
Paul MashburnMemberMashburn Construction Company, Inc.241044136
Thomas R. ThaxtonMemberThe Exum Co Inc2574092358
Chris CullumMemberCullum Constructors, Inc.26074273509
Ryan BeaverMemberBradley, LLP269838224356
Don TerryMemberWindle | Terry | Bimbo Construction Law312406320891
Mike McGovernMemberBauknight, Pietras & Stormer324720721
Miles WillisMemberVulcan Materials Company324771204442
John David GriffithMemberTrident Construction, LLC19095253
Leslie B. ClarkStaff LiaisonCarolinas AGC, Inc.1946102639