Committee Name
NC PAC Governing Committee18500127
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Eligibilty: CAGC members. Limited number of spots so contact Betsy Bailey ( about joining

Meetings: Committee meets as needed via Zoom


Committee Roster

Full NamePositionOrganization
Ty EdmondsonChairT. A. Loving Company18500127
Donald T. OldhamMemberSanford Contractors, Inc.18772181
Charles T. Wilson, Jr.MemberC.T. Wilson Construction Company, Inc.18938233
Ron L. BrownMemberState Utility Contractors, Inc.19344321
Jonathan BivensMemberS.T. Wooten Corporation195581237
Kevin C. BurnsMemberR. E. Burns & Sons Co., Inc.20239750
Keith E. ColtrainMemberWall Templeton & Haldrup, P.A.211640211631
Betsy BaileyStaff LiaisonCarolinas AGC, Inc.3114962642