Committee Name
NC DOT/CAGC Structure Design Joint Committee232941221372
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Focuses on working with NCDOT in upgrading structure specifications & procedures, addressing construction issues to provide an economical quality product and promoting bridge construction and rehabilitation.

Eligibility: GC members who perform NCDOT work.

Meetings: Committee meets every other month (6 times a year)


Committee Roster

Full NamePositionOrganization
Erick FrazierMemberS.T. Wooten Corporation195579237
Larry CagleMemberAPAC-Atlantic, Inc. Thompson-Arthur Div.20071016051
Pete DistefanoMemberBalfour Beatty232941221372
Nathan HedrickMemberDane Construction, LLC30824712474
Tanya BallMemberWright Brothers Construction Company, Inc.310125212594
Kyle WileyMemberCrowder (Heavy Civil Division)312205206525
Mark NewmanMemberNHM Constructors, Inc313760201
Thomas MeadorMemberThe Lane Construction Corporation314566158
Justin CarterMemberSanford Contractors, Inc.314798181
Jerrad StewartMemberConti Civil, LLC323795318531
Seth RowneyMemberThalle Construction Company32456112440
Sean O'NealMemberFlatiron Constructors, Inc.325532267101
Victor BarbourStaff LiaisonCarolinas AGC, Inc.3202022642