Committee Name
Board of Trustees - Foundation32602413854
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Purpose: To provide governance and oversight to the Foundation operations, establish the strategic direction; develop policies; monitor the Foundation's financial health, programs, and overall performance; and provide the President & CEO with the resources to meet the goals and objectives.

Eligibility: Elected by a nominating committee.

Meetings: Board meets quarterly.

Mission: To serve the construction industry by financially supporting excellent workforce development and research programs, activities, and services in the Carolinas.


Committee Roster

Full NamePositionOrganization
Chad WebbChairJ.M. Cope Construction32602413854
Evan SowellChair ElectLangston Construction Co. of Piedmont, LLC235083161
Ed RoperTreasurerNJR Construction, LLC322413322414
Edison P. CasselsImmediate Past ChairEdison Foard1827580
Ty EdmondsonCAGC ChairT. A. Loving Company18500127
Scott FantTrusteeReeves19164274
Claudia DodgenTrusteeCrowder Constructors Inc.1819060
Elisabeth KovacsTrusteeSC Manufacturers Alliance325065223290
Richard LatorreTrusteeLatorre Insurance325187325188
Melissa ColeTrusteePalmetto Corp.3215468728
Kristie Van AukenTrusteeNorth Carolina Department of Public Instruction326424249570
Kate Marston DanielsTrusteeDaniels and Daniels Construction Co., Inc.327099251
Karl McCottryTrusteeSCDOT327978233756
Andrew Gardner, Ed.D.TrusteeNC Community College System328287316700
Dave Simpson, CAEPres/CEO/SecCarolinas AGC, Inc.1946082642
Emily EllisAppointed Young Leader RepresentativeC.T. Wilson Construction Company, Inc.312524233
Betsy BaileyStaff LiaisonCarolinas AGC, Inc.3114962642