Committee Name
AIA SC/CAGC Joint Committee224329296691
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Focuses on making appropriate recommendations on industry problems relating to architect-contractor cooperation, contract documents, bid procedures, and other matters of mutual interest.

Eligibility: GC members (Building)

Meetings: Committee meets twice a year in person


Committee Roster

Full NamePositionOrganization
Richard KinardChairMashburn Construction Company, Inc.224329296691
Charles StuartMemberHood Construction Company, Inc.2947168590
Graham ReynoldsMemberH. G. Reynolds Company, Inc.302878168
Aaron NortonMemberTrident Construction, LLC321326253
Dottie LawsonMemberLangston Construction Co. of Piedmont, LLC323062161
Leslie B. ClarkStaff LiaisonCarolinas AGC, Inc.1946102639