Navy Announces Proposal Response Date for Hurricane Florence Recovery Construction Packages 3 and 7
November 27, 2019
Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Mid-Atlantic, on behalf of Marine Corps Installations East, has announced that Phase one proposals are due December 17, 2019 for the following project packages:
- Package 3:Three projects, including five buildings – one training facility renovation, three new training facilities and one new warehouse – at Camp Lejeune.Package estimate is $275-$325 million (solicitation number N4008519R9253).
- Package 7:Four projects at MCAS New River including a barracks, academic building, a CH-53K and a C-12 hanger, each with associated facilities.Total estimated budget is $425-$475 million (solicitation number N4008519R9257).
The NCMBC has also learned that NAVFAC will publish Package 5 on or around 19 December, with Phase one responses due 23 January. Phase 5 includes seven support and applied instruction projects at Camp Lejeune, including nine buildings – two first stations, three headquarters, one mess hall with parking garage and two academic facilities, estimated at $275-$325 million.
NAVFAC will use a “two-phase” selection process for each of the seven packages. Phase one responses for Packages 1, 2 and 4 were due November 8, and evaluation for selection to Phase two is progressing, with announcement expected in December or January. Packages 3, 7 and 5 responses are due as noted above, with down-select expected January to February. NAVFAC has not yet announced Package 6. Note that all announcements are now posted to, as has closed down.
The NCMBC will partner with Carolinas AGC to inform members about the status of these solicitations through Newsbreak, direct email and, and to host consolidated “teaming forums” for the three contractors selected to proceed to Phase 2 for each package. Carolinas AGC and the NCMBC encourage all general and specialty contractors, designers and suppliers to monitor (“follow”) these opportunities on and on the Florence Recovery page of, to engage in teaming events and to actively partner with contractors that the Navy selects to execute this $1.7 billion in work at North Carolina bases.
Navy to Execute $1.7 Billion Hurricane Florence Recovery Major Construction Plan
November 12, 2019
Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Mid-Atlantic, on behalf of Marine Corps Installations East, has initiated acquisition of $1.7 billion in Hurricane Florence-related new major military construction (MILCON) at Camp Lejeune, Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) New River and MCAS Cherry Point, NC. Carolinas AGC and the North Carolina Military Business Center (NCMBC) encourage businesses to engage in this work as prime and subcontractors, designers and suppliers.
Over 800 facilities at Camp Lejeune, New River and Cherry Point sustained damage during Hurricane Florence, requiring a $1.2 billion repair and a $1.7 billion replacement program. NAVFAC is acquiring the repair work in FY2019 and first quarter FY2020, which began on October 1, 2019. NAVFAC has initiated acquisition of the $1.7 billion MILCON work, which includes 31 design build projects in seven contract packages, which NAVFAC will award in FY2020 (which ends September 30, 2020). NAVFAC will award each package to a single prime contractor. Packages include:
- Package 1: Five projects at MCAS Cherry Point, including seven buildings - one headquarters, one security building, one maintenance facility, two fire stations, one academic facility and one range operations facility, estimated at $175-$225 million.
- Package 2: Seven projects, including 14 headquarters facilities buildings at Camp Lejeune.Total estimate for Package 2 is $175-$225 million.
- Package 3: Three projects, including five buildings – one renovation and three new training facilities and one new warehouse Camp Lejeune.Package estimate is $275-$325 million
- Package 4: Two bridge projects at Camp Lejeune, including a movable bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway and a railway trestle over the White Oak River.Package estimate is $125-$175 million.
- Package 5: Seven support and applied instruction projects at Camp Lejeune, including nine buildings – two first stations, three headquarters, one mess hall with parking garage and two academic facilities, estimated at $275-$325 million.
- Package 6: Three projects at Camp Lejeune’s Stone Bay area, including two headquarters and one academic facility, estimated at $50-$100 million.
- Package 7: Four projects at MCAS New River including a barracks, academic building, a CH-53K and a C-12 hanger, each with associated facilities.Total estimated budget is $425-$475 million.
NAVFAC will use a “two-phase” selection process for each package. Phase one responses for Packages 1, 2 and 4 were due November 8, with announcement of “down-select” to three contractors expected in December or January. Packages 3 and 7 are in “pre-solicitation,” with packages 5 and 6 expected soon – with responses due in December and “down-select” announcements in January.
The NCMBC will partner with Carolinas AGC to inform members about the status of these solicitations through Newsbreak, direct email and, and to host consolidated “teaming forums” for the three contractors selected to proceed to Phase 2 for each package. Carolinas AGC and the NCMBC encourage all general and specialty contractors, designers and suppliers to monitor these opportunities, to engage in teaming events and to actively partner with contractors the Navy selects to execute this $1.7 billion in work at North Carolina bases.