Hurricane Florence Recovery (HFR) Packages 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 Awarded

September 16, 2020

Carolinas AGC is teaming with the North Carolina Military Business Center (NCMBC) and Coastal Carolina Community College (CCCC) to offer updates to industry on seven Hurricane Florence Recovery (HFR) packages of projects, together valued at $1.7 billion.  The Naval Facilities Engineering Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) has awarded Packages 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7.  HFR Packages 5 and 6 award announcements are anticipated in September 2020. 

  • Whiting-Turner Contracting Co., Greenbelt, Maryland, was awarded a $149,115,855 firm-fixed-price contract for construction of Hurricane Florence Recovery Package 1 located in Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point.  The contract also contains 21 planned modifications and six unexercised options, which if exercised, would increase cumulative contract value to $161,250,305.  This project provides replacements for various buildings damaged during Hurricane Florence.  The proposed replacements are divided into five separate projects.Work will be performed in Cherry Point, North Carolina, and is expected to be completed by August 2025. 


  • RQ-DPR JV, Carlsbad, California, was awarded a $143,587,704 firm-fixed-price contract for the construction of Hurricane Florence Recovery Package 2, Headquarters, located at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. The contract also contains 45 unexercised planned modifications and 19 unexercised options, which if exercised will increase the cumulative contract value to $178,308,510. Work will be performed in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.This contract provides replacements for buildings damaged during Hurricane Florence. The construction is divided into eight separate projects encompassing the following areas: Combat Logistics Battalion Headquarters Facilities; 2nd Marine Division Tank Battalion and Company Headquarters and Armory; Regimental Headquarters, 2nd Marine Division; 1/8 Battalion Headquarters; 24th and 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit Headquarters; 2nd Marine Division Transportation Support Battalion Headquarters; Environmental Management Division; and Marine Corps Advisor Battalion Headquarters. Work is expected to be completed by March 2025.


  • RQ-W.M. Jordan JV, Carlsbad, California, was awarded a $191,120,897 firm-fixed-price contract for construction of Hurricane Florence Recovery Package 3, storage and training facilities, located in Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune.  The contract also contains six unexercised planned modifications and 12 unexercised options which, if exercised, would increase cumulative contract value to $211,013,178.  This project provides replacements for training and storage facilities damaged during Hurricane Florence.  The proposed replacements consist of construction of the Marine Corps Combat Service Support School (MCCSSS) Logistics Operations School, a practical application facility for military occupancy specialty motor transport entry/intermediate level training and a joint reception center facility to include headquarters/support functions and student in-processing functions for MCCSSS at Camp Johnson.  The project will also renovate and convert the current MCCSSS motor transport training building into an administrative and training center to support tenant and other training and education command functions.  Two low-rise steel frame multi-story academic and reception facilities will be constructed.  Work will be performed in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, and is expected to be completed by May 2025. 


  • Archer Western Construction, Tampa, Florida, was awarded an $117,995,000 firm-fixed-price contract for the construction of Hurricane Florence Recovery Package 4, Bridges, located in Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Work will be performed in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. This contract provides replacements for bridges damaged during Hurricane Florence. The construction is divided into two separate projects encompassing a moveable bridge across the Intracoastal Waterway, the White Oak River and Queens Creek Trestles. Work is expected to be completed by March 2025.


  • Archer Western Federal JV, Chicago, Illinois, is awarded a $326,625,000 firm-fixed-price contract for construction of Hurricane Florence Recovery Package 7for facilities located in Marine Corps Air Station New River.  The contract also contains four unexercised planned modifications, which if exercised would increase cumulative contract value to $339,544,200.  This project provides replacements for facilities damaged during Hurricane Florence.  Work will be performed in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, and is expected to be completed by February 2025. "

Full project information can be found online at:  Prime contractor outreach sessions are planned at the 2020 Southeast Region Federal Construction, Infrastructure and Environmental Summit (Virtual) on October 21-22, 2020 ( 

Business interested in all HFR work at Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point should monitor NewsBreak, the NCMBC ( and CCCC websites ( for future announcements and training opportunities. 

Down-Select Announced for Hurricane Florence Recovery (HFR) Packages 3 and 7

March 16, 2020

Carolinas AGC is teaming up with the North Carolina Military Business Center (NCMBC) and Coastal Carolina Community College (CCCC) to offer updates to industry on seven Hurricane Florence Recovery (HFR) packages of projects, together valued at $1.7 billion.  The Naval Facilities Engineering Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) has completed its down-select of potential prime contractors to move to Phase II for HFR Package 3 and HFR Package 7.  

HFR Package 3 includes three separate projects for construction of training and storage facilities at Camp Lejeune.  The value of HFR 3 is estimated at $275 -$325 million.  NAVFAC has selected three contractors to proceed to Phase II in the selection process, which will result in one contract to a single prime.  The selectees include RQ Construction/W.M. Jordan, Caddell Construction and Walsh/Archer Western.      

HFR Package 7 includes four projects for construction of barracks, classroom and hangar facilities at Marine Corps Air Station New River, valued at $425 - $475 million.  NAVFAC announced on March 14 that the three contractors selected to proceed to Phase II of the selection process include Archer Western Federal JV, ECC Infrastructure LLC, and M.A. Mortenson Company.  These contractors will submit non-price proposals to NAVFAC on May 12, and price proposals on June 1.

The NCMBC, Carolinas AGC and CCCC will host subcontractor and supplier teaming events for all of the HFR packages.  The NCMBC expects to conduct a consolidated teaming event for the contractors down-selected for HFR Packages 3 and 7 either at CCCC, in structured webinars or on-line.  Watch the NCMBC website for additional information and registration for these (free) events.  

Business interested in all HFR work at Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point should monitor NewsBreak, the NCMBC ( and CCCC websites ( for future announcements about training, events and subcontracting opportunities.  

Public invited to comment on state’s plan for Hurricane Florence disaster recovery funds

February 26, 2020

RALEIGH− ReBuild NC is seeking public input on the state’s draft action plan for administering Hurricane Florence recovery funding provided to North Carolina through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program. The draft CDBG-DR Hurricane Florence Action Plan includes detailed information on how ReBuild NC will use $542 million in federal funds to implement disaster recovery programs throughout areas impacted by the storm. 

“This funding will make a tremendous difference for people whose lives were forever changed by Hurricane Florence,” said Governor Roy Cooper. “I encourage North Carolinians in the impacted counties and beyond to submit their feedback on the plan so that we can provide the best possible recovery programs for storm survivors.”  

The draft action plan is available for review on the Rebuild NC website at Printed copies of the draft plan are also available by calling 984-833-4344. 

Public comments can be submitted by email to or by U.S. Postal Service mail to: ReBuild NC, Attn: Florence Action Plan, P.O. Box 110465, Durham, NC, 27709. Public comments on the draft plan must be submitted by 5 p.m. March 8, 2020.

ReBuild NC is the state’s long-term disaster recovery agency administered by the North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency. In addition to assisting hurricane survivors with home repairs and reconstruction, the office administers programs that include resiliency, affordable housing, mitigation, buyout, and local government grants and loans.   

Down-Select Announced for Hurricane Florence Recovery (HFR) Packages 1 and 2

February 19, 2020

Carolinas AGC is teaming with the North Carolina Military Business Center (NCMBC) and Coastal Carolina Community College (CCCC) to offer updates to industry on seven Hurricane Florence Recovery (HFR) packages of projects, together valued at $1.7 billion.  The Naval Facilities Engineering Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) has completed and announced its down-select of potential prime contractors to move to Phase II for HFR Package 1 and HFR Package 2.

HFR Package 1 includes 5 separate projects for construction of 6 facilities at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point, and one operations facility at a remote bombing range.  The value of HFR 1 is estimated at $175 -$225 million.  NAVFAC announced that four contractors to proceed to Phase II in the selection process, which will result in one contract to a single prime, include ACC Construction Company, Inc., ECC Infrastructure LLC, Poettker-Millstone Weber JV, LLC and The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company.  These contractors will submit non-price proposals to NAVFAC on April 7, and price proposals on April 28.  

HFR Package 2 includes 7 projects for construction of 14 headquarters facilities at Camp Lejeune, valued at $175 - $225 million.  NAVFAC announced on February 14 that the three contractors selected to proceed to Phase II of the selection process include Caddell Construction, M.A. Mortenson Company and RQ – DPR Joint Venture.  These contractors will submit non-price proposals to NAVFAC on April 14, and price proposals on May 4.

The NCMBC, Carolinas AGC and CCCC will host subcontractor and supplier teaming events for all of the HFR packages.  The NCMBC expects to conduct a consolidated teaming event for the four contractors down-selected for HFR Package 1 on March 3 at CCCC, and a similar event for HFR Package 2 contractors in mid-March, also at CCCC.  Watch the NCMBC website for additional information and registration for these (free) events.

Business interested in all HFR work at Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point should monitor NewsBreak, the NCMBC ( and CCCC websites ( for future announcements about training, events and subcontracting opportunities.

Down-Select for Hurricane Florence Recovery (HFR) Packages 
February 12, 202

Carolinas AGC is teaming with the North Carolina Military Business Center (NCMBC) and Coastal Carolina Community College (CCCC) to offer updates to industry on seven Hurricane Florence Recovery (HFR) packages of projects, together valued at $1.7 billion.

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) has completed its down-select of potential prime contractors to move to Phase II for HFR Package 1.  The NCMBC will soon identify the four contractors NAVFAC “short-listed” to proceed to Phase II in the selection process.  HFR Package 1 includes 5 separate projects, for construction of 6 facilities at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point, and one operations facility at a remote bombing range.  The value of HFR 1 is estimated at $175 -$225 million.

NAVFAC MIDLANT is also reportedly close to completing its down-select for HFR Package 2, including seven projects for construction of headquarters-type facilities at Camp Lejeune.  NAVFAC MIDLANT will also soon complete selection of contractors for its major Multiple Award Construction Contract – commonly referred to as the “Big MACC.”  NAVFAC may utilize this MACC to award projects included in HFR Package 6 – construction of three facilities at Camp Lejeune’s Stone Bay area, valued at $50 - $100 million.

Although NAVFAC does not currently publicly identify short-listed contractors to proceed to Phase II of selection processes for MILCON work, the NCMBC and Carolinas AGC will identify and announce these contractors soon.  NAVFAC is expected to publicly announce soon its award of the “Big MACC” to four to six prime contractors.

The NCMBC, Carolinas AGC and CCCC will host subcontractor and supplier teaming events for all of the HFR packages and the “Big MACC.”  The NCMBC expects to conduct a consolidated teaming event for HFR Package 1 and the “Big MACC” in early March, for all selected contractors that agree to participate.  The NCMBC and partners co-hosted a teaming event for HFR Package 4 contractors on 29 January in Jacksonville.

Business interested in all Hurricane Florence Recovery work at Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point should monitor NewsBreak, the NCMBC ( and CCCC websites ( for future announcements and training and subcontracting opportunities.

Training for Contractors Bidding on Hurricane Florence Recovery Construction Opportunities
December 4, 2019


Carolinas AGC is teaming with the North Carolina Military Business Center (NCMBC) and Coastal Carolina Community College (CCCC) to offer training for general and specialty contractors and suppliers interested in pursuing either prime or subcontracts for $1.7 billion Hurricane Florence Recovery program at Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point.

The NCMBC will conduct “basic training” for contractors interested in this work, beginning December 18 and every month from January to June in Jacksonville.  This “Hurricane Florence Recovery Opportunities for General Contractors, Specialty Contractors, Suppliers and Supporting Businesses” training will cover:

  • Role of key agencies and contractors in the recovery program – who owns, acquires, executes, supervises and pays for the work
  • Scope and timelines for the seven hurricane recovery packages – and opportunities for general contractors, specialty contractors, construction suppliers and supporting businesses
  • Tools to identify, market and qualify your business to support package prime contractors, including administrative and logistical requirements, teaming agreements, insurance and bonding, workforce, base access, certified payroll, sources of supply, dispute resolution and subcontractor payment
  • Federal, State, local and private sector resources to assist prime and subcontractors to compete, execute and logistically support this work

This basic-level training is oriented at existing businesses, active in the civilian market and interested in engaging in federal construction work at these installations.  Other participants may include current federal contractors that are interested in assuming greater roles in federal work through this hurricane recovery program.  The training is free, but pre-registration on the NCMBC website is required.

The NCMBC and CCCC will also co-host intermediate-level, standalone workshops on key processes included in this training.  Additionally, CCCC will conduct a Trades Academy to prepare potential workforce for this work.  Interested businesses should monitor NewsBreak, the NCMBC ( and CCCC websites ( for future training opportunities. 

Navy Announces Proposal Response Date for Hurricane Florence Recovery Construction Packages 3 and 7 
November 27, 2019

Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Mid-Atlantic, on behalf of Marine Corps Installations East, has announced that Phase one proposals are due December 17, 2019 for the following project packages:

  • Package 3:Three projects, including five buildings – one training facility renovation, three new training facilities and one new warehouse – at Camp Lejeune.Package estimate is $275-$325 million (solicitation number N4008519R9253).
  • Package 7:Four projects at MCAS New River including a barracks, academic building, a CH-53K and a C-12 hanger, each with associated facilities.Total estimated budget is $425-$475 million (solicitation number N4008519R9257).

The NCMBC has also learned that NAVFAC will publish Package 5 on or around 19 December, with Phase one responses due 23 January.  Phase 5 includes seven support and applied instruction projects at Camp Lejeune, including nine buildings – two first stations, three headquarters, one mess hall with parking garage and two academic facilities, estimated at $275-$325 million.

NAVFAC will use a “two-phase” selection process for each of the seven packages.  Phase one responses for Packages 1, 2 and 4 were due November 8, and evaluation for selection to Phase two is progressing, with announcement expected in December or January.  Packages 3, 7 and 5 responses are due as noted above, with down-select expected January to February.  NAVFAC has not yet announced Package 6.  Note that all announcements are now posted to, as has closed down. 

The NCMBC will partner with Carolinas AGC to inform members about the status of these solicitations through Newsbreak, direct email and, and to host consolidated “teaming forums” for the three contractors selected to proceed to Phase 2 for each package.  Carolinas AGC and the NCMBC encourage all general and specialty contractors, designers and suppliers to monitor (“follow”) these opportunities on and on the Florence Recovery page of, to engage in teaming events and to actively partner with contractors that the Navy selects to execute this $1.7 billion in work at North Carolina bases. 

Navy to Execute $1.7 Billion Hurricane Florence Recovery Major Construction Plan

November 12, 2019

Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Mid-Atlantic, on behalf of Marine Corps Installations East, has initiated acquisition of $1.7 billion in Hurricane Florence-related new major military construction (MILCON) at Camp Lejeune, Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) New River and MCAS Cherry Point, NC.  Carolinas AGC and the North Carolina Military Business Center (NCMBC) encourage businesses to engage in this work as prime and subcontractors, designers and suppliers.

Over 800 facilities at Camp Lejeune, New River and Cherry Point sustained damage during Hurricane Florence, requiring a $1.2 billion repair and a $1.7 billion replacement program.  NAVFAC is acquiring the repair work in FY2019 and first quarter FY2020, which began on October 1, 2019.  NAVFAC has initiated acquisition of the $1.7 billion MILCON work, which includes 31 design build projects in seven contract packages, which NAVFAC will award in FY2020 (which ends September 30, 2020).  NAVFAC will award each package to a single prime contractor.  Packages include:

  • Package 1: Five projects at MCAS Cherry Point, including seven buildings - one headquarters, one security building, one maintenance facility, two fire stations, one academic facility and one range operations facility, estimated at $175-$225 million.
  • Package 2: Seven projects, including 14 headquarters facilities buildings at Camp Lejeune.Total estimate for Package 2 is $175-$225 million.
  • Package 3: Three projects, including five buildings – one renovation and three new training facilities and one new warehouse Camp Lejeune.Package estimate is $275-$325 million
  • Package 4: Two bridge projects at Camp Lejeune, including a movable bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway and a railway trestle over the White Oak River.Package estimate is $125-$175 million.
  • Package 5: Seven support and applied instruction projects at Camp Lejeune, including nine buildings – two first stations, three headquarters, one mess hall with parking garage and two academic facilities, estimated at $275-$325 million.
  • Package 6: Three projects at Camp Lejeune’s Stone Bay area, including two headquarters and one academic facility, estimated at $50-$100 million.
  • Package 7: Four projects at MCAS New River including a barracks, academic building, a CH-53K and a C-12 hanger, each with associated facilities.Total estimated budget is $425-$475 million.

NAVFAC will use a “two-phase” selection process for each package.  Phase one responses for Packages 1, 2 and 4 were due November 8, with announcement of “down-select” to three contractors expected in December or January.  Packages 3 and 7 are in “pre-solicitation,” with packages 5 and 6 expected soon – with responses due in December and “down-select” announcements in January.

The NCMBC will partner with Carolinas AGC to inform members about the status of these solicitations through Newsbreak, direct email and, and to host consolidated “teaming forums” for the three contractors selected to proceed to Phase 2 for each package.  Carolinas AGC and the NCMBC encourage all general and specialty contractors, designers and suppliers to monitor these opportunities, to engage in teaming events and to actively partner with contractors the Navy selects to execute this $1.7 billion in work at North Carolina bases.

Carolinas AGC is teaming with the North Carolina Military Business Center (NCMBC) and Coastal Carolina Community College (CCCC) to offer a subcontracting teaming event for general and specialty contractors and suppliers interested in pursuing subcontracts with three down-selected potential prime contractors for Camp Lejeune Hurricane Florence Recovery Package 4. 

Package 4 includes replacement of a bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway and a railroad trestle and supporting infrastructure over the White Oak River.  The government estimate for this package is $125-$175 million.

The subcontracting event will include informal, one-on-one meetings with representatives of all three down-selected potential prime contractors on Package 4.  The divisions and subcontractor requirements for each contractor are listed on the event webpage (see link below).  The potential prime contractors participating in this event include Archer Western, Kiewit and the Flatiron/Cianbro Team, consisting of Flatiron Constructors, Inc. and Cianbro Corporation. 

The NCMBC and CCCC will host the subcontracting event on January 29, 2020 from 0900-1500 in Room 104, James Melton Skills Building, CCCC (444 Western Blvd, Jacksonville, NC).  The event consists of informal, drop-in meetings, and interested potential subcontractors and suppliers should drop in as available between 0900 and 1500.  The event is free, but registration is required at   

Business interested in all Hurricane Florence Recovery work at Camp Lejeune and Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point should monitor NewsBreak, the NCMBC ( and CCCC websites ( for future training and subcontracting opportunities.