The 2022 National AGC (NASA) & Carolinas AGC Safety Awards are now closed. We look forward to honoring the award winners at our 2023 Summit this summer.

It's time to enter your company in the 2022 NASA and Carolinas AGC Safety Awards!

It's fast, easy and free to enter. Fill out one safety data form to be entered in both award programs, allowing you to compete on both the national and local level!

Entry Deadline: Friday, February 10, 2023 

New in 2023: 
AGC of America has removed the requirement to participate in the award program for three consecutive years in order to be eligible to receive a NASA Safety Award.

AGC of America LogoCarolinas AGC Foundation

Awards Presentations - Save the Date!

The 2022 NASA and Carolinas AGC Safety Awards will be presented during the 2023 CAGC Summit and Expo, July 27 - 30, 2023 in Asheville, North Carolina. Registration will be open soon! For more information contact Jacob Garmon at 704-372-1450, ext. 5222.