The Carolinas AGC (CAGC) Human Resources Committee has partnered with PAS, a national construction industry compensation and benefits data provider, in conducting the 2024 Construction Management Survey. The survey will provide you with valuable information regarding employee compensation offered by the Carolinas’ construction industry. 

Survey Results to Participants Only

For Carolinas AGC members who complete the survey you will receive, at no cost, survey results for North and South Carolina exclusively. The North and South Carolina survey report is not available to anyone at any cost except CAGC members who participate in the survey. The survey results will not be available through CAGC to members who do not participate in the survey once conducted. 

Deadline: Tuesday, February 27

It is important you complete the survey, save and E-mail or fax (see instructions below) to PAS on or before February 27, 2024 to receive your free NC/SC report, which will be sent directly to you in early March. In addition, for those who would like a broader look at the results, participants can purchase results of the entire survey (regional and national data) at a discounted participant rate.
We urge your participation in this survey. The more CAGC members that participate, the more reliable and useful the results will be. Only participating member companies will receive the free NC/SC report.
Regarding the confidentiality of your company wage and benefit information, PAS insures complete confidentiality. Company names are NOT listed as participants or associated with any specific wage, benefit, or demographic data. PAS warrants that individual company data is never made available to any organization, under any circumstance, for any reason.


If you have any questions concerning this matter, or we can be of service to you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact Betsy Bailey at  or Jeff Robinson with PAS at

Completing the Survey

Instruction for completing the PAS Construction/Construction Management Salary Survey:

  1. This questionnaire has been designed to collect direct compensation data for professionals in the construction industry. While not all positions will be applicable to every company, we ask that you complete the information for those positions relevant to your firm.

  2. Please review the instructions and the position descriptions shown in this booklet before planning to fill in any data. 

  3. Whenever possible, duplicate the survey questionnaire and report all divisions and/or projects (located out of state) separately. Do not report on non-construction affiliates.

  4. Please complete each item with the position line for which you are responding. If an item is “zero”, indicate –0–, do not leave an item blank.

  5. The survey has been designed for ease of completion, so we ask that you spend the time necessary to provide complete and accurate information.

Special Note: When reporting salary information for the Quality Control job family, please indicate next to the salary figure an “N” for all Nuclear Quality Control positions. If necessary, duplicate the response form for reporting purposes.

How to Download & Return the Survey

To download the survey in an editable .pdf format; download the survey, save to your computer, then open from the saved location. By doing this, you will be able to complete the survey right on your computer screen. Complete the survey, save and E-mail to

Otherwise, print, complete and fax to (734) 429-8507.

Download and Complete the Survey:

Download the Survey