The SC Department of Administration (DOA) has announced it will open applications for the “Minority and Small Business Relief Grant Program” on Monday, October 19. This state program was created by the General Assembly with the passage of the cares act, H. 3210. Forty million dollars was allocated to this program. Unlike NC, which approved a grant option specifically for Contractors, the SC General Assembly approved a grant across the board for small and minority businesses. Grants for minority and small businesses will range from $2,500 to $25,000.
To be considered for a grant, businesses must meet the following criteria:
- Employ 25 or fewer employees;
- Be physically located in SC;
- Have been in operation from October 13, 2019, to present; and
- Experienced a business impact due to COVID-19.
If awarded, grants will range between $2,500 and $25,000. Qualifying expenditures include:
- Business staffing costs (Ex. payroll and associated employee benefits, temporary and/or contract labor costs)
- Business operating costs (Ex. supplies, raw materials, technology, marketing, communications)
- Facility costs (Ex. rent, lease, or mortgage payments; equipment leases and purchases; utility costs)
- Personal Protective Equipment (Ex. protective/sanitation supplies and equipment, installation of protective barriers, temperature detection equipment, disinfecting services)
- Revenue loss (due to being partially or completely closed due to the COVID-19 public health emergency)
A link to the application will be made available on October 19th. Note, the application period is very short and lasts from October 19th through November 1st.
Click here to view the list of required supporting documentation to apply.