The CAGC Construction Excellence Awards honor projects recognized by the CAGC Pinnacle Award Judges as projects of distinction.
UNC Roper Hall

UNC Roper Hall, Medical Education Building

Chapel Hill, NC 
General Contractor:
T.A. Loving Company

The University of North Carolina Roper Hall, at 176,000 SF, was built to enhance the capabilities of the UNC School of Medicine and facilitate interactive, case-based learning. The building features a 240-seat active learning theater, clinical skills and simulated learning experiences, and flexible lab, classroom, study, and collaboration spaces.

Crabtree Creek West Greenway

Crabtree Creek West Greenway

Raleigh, NC 
General Contractor:
Crowder Construction Company
This complex 1.8-mile concrete and asphalt multi-use path included 4 prefabricated steel bridges, an elevated boardwalk switchback, and a 216-foot suspension bridge. It was the final greenway connection to Umstead State Park as part of the Capital Area Greenway System which stretches through Morrisville, Cary, and Raleigh.

New Bern City Hall Addition

New Bern City Hall Addition

New Bern, NC 
General Contractor: Daniels & Daniels Construction Company, Inc.

New Bern City Hall has been inaccessible to disabled residents for over a century. Thanks to modern construction and overcoming numerous site hurdles, (including the close proximity to an active playground, pedestrian sidewalk, and the building’s employee parking lot), City Hall is now fully accessible to the public while maintaining its historic preservation.
R-4467 - US 17 Business/NC 37 Bridge over Perquimans River

R-4467 - US 17 Business/NC 37 Bridge over Perquimans River

Hertford, NC 
General Contractor:
McLean Contracting Company

This new bridge, which forms the shape of an ‘S’ as it follows the existing causeway and crosses the river between Hertford and Winfall, provides substantial social and economic benefits to the local area and the entire region. The bridge pays homage to the area’s history while being ever mindful of the community and surrounding environment.
I-40 / I-77 Interchange Project

I-40 / I-77 Interchange Project

Statesville, NC
General Contractor:
The Lane Construction Corporation

The primary scope of this project, which was to reconstruct and reconfigure this system-to-system interchange, required the reconstruction of nearly four miles of I-40 and three and half miles of I-77. The existing pavement sections for both highways were fully removed and replaced. I-40 was then reconstructed with new concrete pavement while I-77 was rebuilt with asphalt.
Gold Rock I-95 Interchange

Gold Rock I-95 Interchange

Battleboro, NC 
General Contractor:
Barnhill Contracting Company

This project, which consisted of removing four bridges and replacing three of them, faced challenge after challenge-- including extensive night work, a convoluted ramp system, heavy traffic and a tornado. Once completed, it streamlined traffic into the new CSX hub, providing a direct route from I-95.
NC-12 Shoreline and Resiliency Project

NC-12 Shoreline and Resiliency Project

Duck, NC 
General Contractor:
Fred Smith Company

This multi-faceted coastal resiliency project included the construction of near-shore sills in the Currituck Sound to reduce wave energy and protect coastal wetlands. It also included replanting of coastal wetland habitat; installation of a stone revetement to protect the shoreline; raising the elevation of NC 12 by three vertical feet to reduce flooding, and more -- all while keeping NC-12 accessible to vehicle and pedestrian traffic.

Reedy Branch WWPS & Force Main

Reedy Branch WWPS & Force Main

Smithfield, NC 
General Contractor:
T.A. Loving Company

This project encompassed multiple components aimed at improving wastewater management and promoting sustainability, including installation of submersible sewage pumps, a cast in-place submersible pump station, grinder and grinder vault, check valve vault, electrical building, and an emergency generator, all to ensure the community’s health and well-being.

Summerville WWTP Biosolids Solar Dryer

Summerville WWTP Biosolids Solar Dryer

Summerville, SC
General Contractor:
Harper General Contractors

This project -- an innovation for the community because it reduced the volume of biosolids disposed at the landfill -- included constructing a new solar dryer building and belt presses to provide a more efficient waste processing system. Because of this team's dedication to incorporating safety as a way of life, the entire project of over 68,000 worker hours produced zero OSHA recordable incidents and no lost time accidents.


Congratulations to the 2024 CAGC Construction Excellence Award winners!

For more information contact Lori McGovern.