Relationships with Local, State and Federal Agencies

Carolinas AGC interacts with many levels of governmental and regulatory entities on members' behalf.

Local Governments/Agencies

CAGC staff works closely with local governments throughout the Carolinas on a myriad of issues from bidding processes and procedures, to fair risk allocation. CAGC is universally considered a critical partner in ensuring quality projects are delivered on time and under cost. Member companies depend on CAGC to address issues that arise in the course of business and represent their interests so they can work in the best climate possible. CAGC develops and produces resources to assist owners, and contractors alike; such as our prequalification brochure for owners. CAGC members and staff work hand-in-hand with owners, associated industries and elected officials/entities to address overall, ongoing issues so problems that may arise are dealt with before they have an opportunity to negatively affect a project.

State Agencies

CAGC works closely with both states governmental agencies, boards and commissions to ensure the interests of the construction industry are well represented. We work together with both state engineers offices, environmental agencies, licensing boards and others ensuring the voice of the construction is heard and addressed during the development and implementation of regulations, guidelines and requirements. CAGC members actively participate on many of these entities, while CAGC lobbyists work closely with all industry-related agencies and commissions attending meetings, providing input to appointed and elected officials as well as lawmakers. CAGC’s government relations team is one of the most active and respected in the states’ legislatures. Its professionalism and ability to address issues for the betterment of all stakeholders involved on any given subject is second to none in the construction industry.

AGC of America LogoFederal Agencies

AGC of America is the voice of the construction industry nationally; representing the construction industry on Capitol Hill, as well as before regulatory agencies. National AGC priorities include promoting infrastructure funding, limiting overreaching environmental regulations, addressing employer-employee compliance and seeing to it the concerns of the construction industry are heard and addressed. CAGC staff works closely with our AGC counterparts, providing insight and an “out-of-the-beltway” perspective on issues affecting the industry. CAGC members have access to our Congressional delegations through our advocacy resources and are kept abreast of issues through CAGC as well as AGC publications. See National AGC Advocacy issues alerts.